Getting Started

Getting Started

Everyone has SHAKTi.
Anyone can mine SHAKTi.

What is SHAKTi

Single. Stable. Global. Money.

Power Miner?

It is for those with higher computing power. Check out the power mining license offerings.

How do I mine SHAKTi?

Set your computer to make money by validating parents effort-- a cooperative and an inclusive achievement.

Must I register to mine?

Limited Numbers.
Democratized Mining.
Node for each soul.
First-come first-served.

Premium license tiers enable higher earning potential.

License becomes effective the day the network goes live.

Limited licenses are sold country-to-country thus, mining is not monopolized by any one region, or any organization, or a privileged class of individuals.

Self-Onboard and start mining right away.

You mine by validating the transaction on the network.

Choose your entry point?

Your mining license entry point provides the license holder the ability to verify and validate transactions on the SHAKTi Network.